Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Music Skills Don't "Take a Break"!

Isn't it fun to watch your child catch onto and apply new knowledge?  A couple fun stories from parents recently...

One family visited Disneyland during Spring Break last year.  They went on a Tiny Toons ride and the mom looked over to find her son with his tongue hanging out and "paw" hands by his face, panting like a dog.  Who would teach him to do such a thing?  The Fox Hunt puppet show from Let's Play Music, of course!  He recognized the piece of classical music (William Tell Overture) and was identifying the different themes, even though it was out of the context of music class.  So fun!

During Fall Break this year, a first year student was playing around on his piano at home when all of a sudden he called to his mom to come quick, "Look, I found a Mi-Re-Do!"  And sure enough, he had.

As a parent, I love the chance to be the spectator on the sidelines as my children explore and discover.  I love to watch as they put the pieces together and have some wonderful "ah-hah" moments.  As a teacher, I get to witness some of these too, but it's even more fun to hear the stories from home because it shows that they're applying their knowledge and skills to external situations.  So thanks for sharing!